Friday Five

Did you think I’d forgotten about you, dear blog readers? (All three of you! ha!)

You are not forgotten… we’ve been beaching this week and enjoying some lazy summer days. Oh, summer. How I love you.

Okay, Five Fun and Fabulous Friday Facts:

1. Wonderful article from Desiring God for all you mamas out there. Such a great perspective about the important work you do with your children, and in your home. Loved this quote:  ‘At the very heart of the gospel is sacrifice, and there is perhaps no occupation in the world so intrinsically sacrificial as motherhood. Motherhood is a wonderful opportunity to live the gospel. Jim Elliot famously said, “He is no fool who gives up that which he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.” Motherhood provides you with an opportunity to lay down the things that you cannot keep on behalf of the people that you cannot lose. They are eternal souls, they are your children, they are your mission field.’

2. My hottie husband loves some cinnamon rolls. The Fresh Market Ultimate Cinnamon Buns are his fave. So, for Father’s Day I’m going to make my first attempt at homemade cinnamon rolls. With a little help from Joy the Baker, the kids and I will make these tomorrow. I’ve conquered my fear of baking with yeast so I’m hoping these will be delicious! If you’re looking for something quick and easy but still super yummy, try these mini-cinnis.

3. I’ve told y’all before about Ellen. She rocks my world. I love the way she writes, and her perspective on life, home, art and faith. I also love that she isn’t scared to paint a bed mustard yellow or a dresser burnt orange. I’ve really enjoyed her post from this week about Trading Up on Someday. She says that someday steals the joy from today. Something to think on, and look for the joys in today.

4. My fabulous sister in law Brooke gave me a one year subscription to Bon Appetit magazine for Christmas. I look forward to it every month. Each issue features a column from the writers of Dinner: A Love Story. This month’s issue had a funny article about women being intimidated by the grill, and how it’s a man’s territory. I have to agree. I fear the grill, no doubt. They offered a recipe for Yogurt Marinated Grilled Chicken as a good jumping off point for hot-mama grilling. The marinade has cilantro, lime, ginger and garam masala. YUM. I’ve got it in the fridge now and will make an attempt tonight. Stay tuned for an update!

5. Have you checked out my blogroll? If not, take some time to stop by and see the people who inspire me. (does that sound conceited? I don’t mean it to.) I am especially grateful for Courtney this week, who has really reached out to a friend of mine who’s struggling. I’m also inspired by Jen’s blog and her recent post about strength training. I’ve just finished six weeks of kettle bell classes and they have been challenging but amazing. Would y’all want a post of my ridiculous but motivating workout music? I can’t decide if that’s too embarrassing. Let me know.

Happy, Happy Weekend, Y’all!

5 responses to “Friday Five

  1. I want to know your workout music!!!

  2. I love your workout music! Also am intrigued by the grilling for delicate ladies such as ourselves. Even though I have a raging hatred for cilantro, perhaps I can find a less soapy substitute. Can’t wait to hear how the cinnamon rolls turn out!
    PS – Check your Annie’s Eats link…it should have a hyphen between the two words, otherwise takes you to some random site.

  3. You are an amazing friend. And I am especially grateful for YOU and for Courtney. We’re going to try and meet up next week.

  4. I want to know your workout music, too!
    Aunt B

  5. i want the music… and WHO is aunt b? because I KNOW I’m Aunt B

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