Writer’s Block

So, I had big dreams of becoming a super-blogger and being all witty and clever with a blog that soared to overtake the blogosphere… thinking magically I would become awesome at everything something and inspire people everywhere. Um, not so much. Can you say self-absorbed?

But my heart is still full. There is so much happening in our little corner of the world, and I want to attempt to document it some way. Not for my own praise and glory, but to lift up the One who has carried us through each step. Who has gently and tenderly broken this bohemian girl, who continues to do so, and with each hammer blow-chisel chip-file rasping (more on that soon) gives me a freedom I never knew before. To quote John Cougar Mellencamp, it Hurts so Good!

I don’t even know where to start, but if I wait for it to be perfect, it’ll never come. And something about this season of anticipation and thinking about the simplicity of a baby in a manger makes me want to reflect and think of the goodness of God. So I’ll take another crack at it and see where we go.

5 responses to “Writer’s Block

  1. beautiful. love. amazing. love.

  2. Bring it!

  3. WHAT. I am not even believing you started a BLOG and forgot to tell me for how many months now? Knowing my blog addiction? Love it and love you and hope to see you in person soon. In the meantime, thanks for giving me a glimpse into the life, heart, and mind of one of my very favorite people!

  4. Go, MB! Go, MB! You can do it!

  5. my friend, your heart and wisdom are such a blessing to me. if you share that here, i know it will bless others and bring glory to the Lord. He is doing a mighty work in you and it is humbling but also uplifting.

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